Friday, March 16, 2007

From Amanda

Dear John and Krissy,
             Hi there,I thought I would share an embarssing,funny,moment I had last night at,I wnt to sit outside for my ridr last night when I got off at 8.I thought my ride was already didn't even think to look,I must of been so tired,that knowing it was the wrong truck.Thinking my Dad was already there waiting for me when I got outside.We have our 2 nephews andneice staying with us till this coming Wed and I saw a young boy in the truck,I went up to the truck,good thing I didn't open it,but,it was raining out and I couldn't see,so,I wiped off the window and I looked in.It wasn't my Dad and it wasn't my was like oh my goodness.Than I looked at the back of the truck and saw a pic of the American flag,knew it wasn't my Dad than,because He dont have that on His truck.Someone was sitting on the bench and I told Him and I was tottlay embarssed.I hid my face and than just laughed about it.The guy probllay thought I was I share this with you.Its funny now.I have been so tired.Hope it made you am thinking and praying for you both.
God bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny Amanda!

Krissy :)