Tuesday, September 5, 2006

From Barb

Good morning, dear ones. I wanted to share this page from my daily devotional. It is the one I'm holding tightly too right now, in order to cope with my trials.
 "God knows just when to withhold from us any visible sign of encouragement, and when to grant such a sign. How good it is that we may trust Him anyway! When all visible evidences that He is remembering us are withheld, that is best: He wants us to realize that His word, His promise of remembrance, is more substantial and dependable than any evidence of our senses. When He sends the visible evidence, that is well also; we appreciate it all the more after we have trusted Him without it. Those who are readiest to trust God without other evidence than His Word always recieve the greatest number of visible evidences of His love.
                                                  -C.G. Trumbull.

Delays are not refusals; may a prayer is registereed, and underneath it the words: "My time is not yet come." God has
a set time as well as a set purpose, and He who orders the
bounds of our habitation orders also the time of our deliverance.
I think of you both each day and keep you faithfully in my prayers. BIG HUGS...and LOVE TOO.
Barb       Barbpinion@aol.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Barb.  What a wonderful and timely devotional.  Thank you for sending it.  It is something that I have pondered in the past, but we forget it sometimes now, don't we?  

Barb, I will be praying for you, as you are going through a hard time too.  Please remember the words of this great devotional, and I will too!

Thanks for sending it to me.

Love you lots,

Krissy :)