Day and night we pray for you. As a mother holds her newborn babe, so
the Lord is holding you close to Him He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Dearest John and Krissy,
Even though we have never met eye-to-eye, you have become such a part of our lives. You and I, Krissy have been through many stressful times together and you have been my rock. Now it's time for us to be your rock. We will pray and leave the rest to the Lord. You and John have become our brother and sister who live far away. I pray for each thing we talk about, as do the girls and Rob. You two are never far from our thoughts.
My greatest wish is for a round trip plane ticket to PA so I can sit by your sides and pray with you. Alas, I can't do that, but please know we are there in spirit.
Love and many blessings from your West Coast family, Rob, Penny, Andrea, Kayla & Lupe |
"He called to Him a little child, and set him in the midst of them, and said,Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven."-- Matt 18:2-3
1 comment:
Dearest Penny,
Yes, we have been through a lot together. You say I have been your rock, but no, you have been my rock! And especially through this time right now. You are somebody that I can talk to and pray with through this current trial. It has been a Godsend talking to you on the IM. the reason I haven't been on the past few days is we are no longer allowed to use the IM at Hope Lodge. So we are just going to have to communicate through emails. And this Gazette. And by phone, LOL.
Thank you to you and your family for being there for me in such a special way. I love you. Krissy :)
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