Saturday, August 26, 2006

From Tammy

Okay Krissy, I need to put in my two cents here for a minute. I want you to know that we are all with you in our hearts. You and John are family and we miss you both.

Oh and Krissy? If you see a graphic that won't show up, don't panic! Graphics hate me but I will get them fixed I promise! Mean old graphics...eek! I didn't mean it! Graphics are wonderful...crap.


Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers Krissy and John, know that we are all behind you and willing you on and to recovery.  God bless

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kindness and love you are sending to me and John Tammy.  We love you so much for it.

That is so funny how graphics hate you, LOL.

Love ya, Girlie,
