Saturday, August 26, 2006

From Deb

My dear sweet Krissy,
I just wanted to let you know how very proud I am of you.  You are, perhaps, the strongest woman I have met in a very long time. 
So much you have had to take on so much, but you pop on your angel wings and do what you need to do.
You and John are always in my prayers but you, honey, I wish there was something I could do just for you.  The best I can come up with right now, is a big cyber hug from me to you.
Please remember to take a moment for yourself.  Regroup, relax and let your body regenerate.
We're all here for you. All of your J-Land friends. Hugs from all of us

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb

Thanks for the cyberhug, Honey.  And thanks for reminding me to regroup.

Love you, Krissy :)