Friday, March 23, 2007


John this is for you
  March 19-25 are DAFFODIL DAYS 2007.  Now I know you say so what!  What does this have to do with me? ALL of the money goes to the ACS and part to the Hope Lodge.
  Daffodils are the symbol of hope for the American Cancer Society and a way to raise money.  For the past three years in this area, Boyds Bears has worked with the ACS to raised money.  For $25.00 you get a Boyds Bear and 9 daffodils. 2005's bear was Daffodil R. Hope, 2006's bear was Flowers R. Hope, and this year's is Hugh R. Hope (YOU). You see Hugh are hope to us. 
                                    Hugh R. Hope
             (L to R) Daffodils R. Hope, Flowers R. Hope, & Hugh R. Hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pat.  It is a privelege to foster hope.  Love,
